We had an amazing trip to Vermont with the Larson fam. We started by all meeting up in Cleveland, then headed to Niagara Falls and a few church sites on the way, and ended with a couple of days in Boston.
Here are the boys checking out the view of the falls from our hotel. We had great time on the Maid of the Mist and an "interesting" tour of the town. What a view though.

Hands down, the best dessert ever!
At the Canadian TGI Fridays they had my all time favorite dessert, Oreo Madness. It was just as good as I remembered. TGIF took it away a few years ago and life hasn't been the same since. If heaven doesn't have this, I am not sure I want to go...
We stopped at the Hill Cumorah and a few other historical church sites. I am so sorry I don't have the photos of Thayne (Ben's dad) rolling down the hill. It was awesome and I knew Parker was proud of his grandpa.
Here are the lovebirds taking in the sites

We stayed at an unbelievable cabin up in the mountains of Vermont. From there we took a few day trips up north and just enjoyed being together at the house. I loved running up there because everything was uphill and the scenery was breathtaking.
We had an early birthday party for Parker. His favorite part was playing with the cars that came from the top of the cake.

Day Trips
Parker loves to pretend to drive. I think he has a car fetish like his mom and dad.

A cute little roadside antique store with some yummy homemade treats.

We had a great time switching over into city life after rural Vermont. We saw a bunch of sites, visited Joseph at Harvard, got stuck in the rain, and did some shopping.
This is my kind of shopping. Marshalls, H&M and TJ Maxx all next door to one another.

Parker showing off his comfy ride (and sweet shoes from Auntie J).

Nathan and I taking in the sites . I think I could hang out with him forever. He is hilarious.

After all of it we were exhausted and sad to see a great trip come to an end.

After posting this I realized we are missing a lot of family pics we need to get...